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2025 Stewardship Appeal
Rooted and Growing in Love
Thank you so much for your giving to Servant of Christ!
Our focus for 2025 is to be Rooted and Grounded in Love. Our goal is to increase our giving by $35,000 or more in new offerings throughout the year. Here is how these new offerings will be invested:
Growing Children and Families Deeper in Faith - $15,000
Growing Deeper Spiritually by Continuing to Worship with Joy and Gladness - $7000
Growing Deeper Relationships by increasing our investment in Excellent Staff - $13,000
ALL STATEMENT OF INTENTS SHOULD BE RECEIVED BY NOVEMBER 10. Forms can be sent by mail, email, or by completing the form below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our pastor or the church office at 763-427-5070.
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