Nice to meet you.
Servant of Christ is a vibrant and healthy congregation located in Champlin, Minnesota. We are a Biblically based congregation, and our mission is “Making Disciples”. We are committed in every aspect of life to encourage people to grow and mature in faith by engaging in the following Biblical marks of discipleship: PRAYER, BIBLICAL LITERACY, SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIP, WEEKLY WORSHIP, SERVING and GIVING. We invite you to look through our website to find out more about Servant of Christ and to come visit and worship.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Sermons

Sunday, March 9: Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws (2 of 6): Simon, Do You See This Woman?
Wednesday, March 12: Testimony by Tim Tengblad, Retired ELCA Paster
Sunday, March 16: Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws (3 of 6): Parables from the Underside
Wednesday, March 19: Testimony by Heidi Johnson, SOC Member
Sunday, March 23: Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws (4 of 6): On the Journey to Jerusalem
Wednesday, March 26: Testimony by Emma Maltman, SOC Member
Sunday, March 30: Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws Luke (5 of 6): The Final Week
Wednesday, April 2: Testimony by Heather Conneran, SOC Member
Sunday, April 6: Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws (6 of 6): Crucified with the Outlaws
Wednesday, April 9: Testimony by Tom Fruedenstein, SOC Member
Servant of Christ Ministries